2009 London, 2010 Milan, 2010 Aug/sept Selfridges London
This installation by artist and designer Dominic Wilcox aims to breath life into the simple, inanimate shoe, making a connection with nature while referencing the lives of the absent owners. The shoe laces of seven hundred eco-friendly shoes rise up into the air as though growing towards the light creating a field of green on a bed of earth.
Two fields are on show at Selfridges in a gallery area within the newly launched world's biggest shoe department. Aug 10th to Sept 15th 2010.
See the video below.
Follow Dominic on twitter or facebook for updates.
For more info please contact press@dominicwilcox.com
Selfridges, London 2010
The field of shoes was first shown at Tom Dixon's group show in Ladbroke Grove, London in September 2009. Wilcox was then asked to show the field in Milan at Entratalibera gallery in April 2010. In August 2010 Selfridges, London's prestigious department store opened the world's largest shoe department and approached Wilcox to show two fields in their gallery space.
Left: Field at Ladbroke Grove
Below Field in Milan
Below are some images of the making of the fields. I had the idea while I lived in Berlin, I used approximately 1.3 kilometres of brass wire, 2100 shoe laces, 700 shoes. All shoes are unharmed and can return to being used as normal one day.